Here are the ten IPod applications that are a must have for travelers:
1. Washington Metro Subway: Visiting Washington DC? This application will make your trip to Washington not only hassle free but also budget friendly. Washington Metro Subway offers detail information on Washington DC Subway such as map of Washington subway, location of each station on the map, travel time and so on.
2. ACT Currency: A universal currency converted; with this application you can covert currencies of more than 150countries in the planet.
3. WeatherX: Who wants to get caught in a bad weather while traveling? WeatherX is the answer to all your weather related queries while traveling. This application offers up-to-date and accurate information on hurricanes, Storms, Airport Delays, Heat, Temperature, Forest Fires, Snow, Air Quality and so on.
4. Taxi Magic: Need a cab? Just tap a button, book your cab and have it pick you up at your desired destinations. This application covers over 500 destinations United States of America.
5. MobileFly: Flying somewhere? Check your flight’s status, baggage claim, gate, departure, or arrival information. With this application you will have access to thousands of airlines.
6. Vegas Mobile: A must for everyone planning to Vegas. With Vegas Mobile you will have detailed information on almost every hotel in Las Vegas, list of shows and tours and more.
7. London Travel Guide: Now explore London on your own. London Travel Guide has everything you need to know about London, from attractions to activities, from shopping to dining, nightlife and more.
8. Talking iPhone Translator: Visiting a complete foreign country. This application will help you blend with the locals perfectly. The Talking iPhone Translator provides both text and audio translations in six different languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Italian).
9. Road Helper: Based on a user location, with this application you can find emergency or helper services such as hospitals, gas stations, hotels and much more.
10. WorldView: Now traveling without spending a penny is possible, WorldView allows users to access real time webcams across the globe.
Best part is, these applications are dirt cheap and most of them are for free. Go on and make your IPod your traveler guide